Friday, January 21, 2011


The year my passport expires....

The year of my favorite day 11-11-11 (!!!)......

The year I am set to graduate dental school (!!!!!!)......

The year I can no longer claim to be a "kid/student" because I need to get a job and start paying for things and having real responsibility ::freaking out::.....

I never thought it would arrive and here it is. So now what do I do? The anticipation and anxiety are so great that it's hard to get by day to day. At all times I've got butterflies in my stomach because a) I don't know how things are going to get worked out like school requirements/getting a job b) Things are often out of my hands and c) Life has the nerve to just keep on moving by without giving me a minute to stop and catch my breath.

People everywhere are getting jobs, getting married, getting pregnant, having babies and it's all so exciting but at the same time extremely overwhelming. How do you prepare for the moment that you've been waiting twenty years for?? It's like the sleepless night before a big trip or birthday party times a million. This is my super bowl.

So far I've been dealing by avoidance and day by day to do list. Send happy thoughts my way pretty please.

For now I leave you with a picture of my family. The ones who get me through and have been my stability and inspiration since 1984.


Christi W said...

What a great family photo! You look so much like your sister :)

Leah's Action Research Log said...

I love this post. I'm so proud of you and excited for everything that is coming next. Thanks for always being such a great role model. You're beautiful inside and out! Love, Leah (and Lo)